
The process of enhancing cognitive well-being is essential for maintaining quality interpersonal relationships, clarity, and overall success. Mentalization emphasizes the need to comprehend one’s emotions and thought patterns better so that one can effectively navigate situations in various aspects of life.


The joy of knowing that you are about to become a parent is beyond compare. Certainly, there is overwhelming excitement (cognitively and emotionally), especially for mothers, upon knowing that they are pregnant with their child. While there is nothing quite like the feeling of finally becoming a parent, the journey can be quite challenging. Along with this joy, it’s essential to prioritize maternal health, seek treatment if any disorder arises, and have an understanding of the social changes and responsibilities that come with parenthood.

Becoming pregnant and going through different bodily and hormonal changes can take a toll on a mom’s life. Added to that is the ongoing mental health crisis; the worries can even double for the soon-to-be mom.

But having the ability for mentalization can help to deal with times when you’re more likely to experience unstable mood swings like pregnancy.

During the pandemic, keeping parental care on mental health in check has been a struggle, more so for pregnant women. So it is crucial to keep stressors at bay to keep healthy for two.

One of the ways to reduce anxiety and stress during pregnancy during the pandemic can be through mentalization. It is the ability to understand your mental state and its effects on overt behavior. Mentalization takes a degree of self-awareness to mentalize.

Conceptually similar to metacognition, mentalization is “thinking about thinking.” Since it requires self-awareness of underlying feelings and thoughts and their consequences, intense emotions weaken it.

Aside from pregnant women, those with borderline personality disorder (BPD) can also benefit from mentalization through randomized controlled trials. BPD is a mental disorder marked by the instability of moods, mental relationships, and self-concept.

People Often Succumb To Impulsive Actions Due To Intense Emotions.

Other unpleasant symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD) that can affect regulation also include feelings of abandonment and paranoia.

Because of the sudden shifts this personality disorder causes, it is crucial to raise your self-awareness through mentalization to prevent unwanted consequences. Paying attention to your mental state and having foresight can help reduce the risk of taking thoughtless actions and suicide attempts.

Mentalization-based treatment therapy is a good starting point for people who want to learn how to mentalize and be more aware of themselves. In times of uncertainty, mentalization is helpful to feel more in control by having more awareness within ourselves.

We have compiled some frequently asked questions on the topic for more information on how mentalization-based therapy works.

What Does Mentalization Mean?

Mentalization is a process of understanding ourselves and others’ mental states and emotions. It is crucial, especially for those with personality disorders, as the ability to mentalize can be compromised. Mentalization based treatment is a therapeutic approach that focuses on enhancing this ability. This treatment also refers to your capacity to reflect upon your thoughts and feelings and others as well in your interpersonal relationships.

Why Is Mentalization Important?

Mentalization is essential because it helps you have a better sense of yourself and your identity. For those struggling with borderline personality disorder, the capacity to mentalize can sometimes be diminished. Mentalization based treatment (MBT) is designed to strengthen this capacity, utilizing a strong therapeutic relationship as its foundation. Increased mentalization allows you to have a better understanding of yourself and other people’s thoughts and emotions. Mentalization will also help you regulate and rationalize your mental state.

How Does Mentalization Work?

Mentalization-based therapy or MBT helps people with borderline personality disorder and other mental health problems increase their mentalization ability. Therapists use different treatment methods in this mentalization-based counseling to help individuals explore their mental states, thoughts, feelings, and others.

This mentalization therapy results in increased mentalization to better understand the self and regulate emotions and thoughts.

What Is The STEPPS Program?

The STEPPS or System Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving program is a research-based treatment for borderline personality disorder individuals that no longer requires partial hospitalization.

It is a 22-week mentalization therapy wherein individuals meet for two-hour sessions to learn how to change their behaviors and manage their feelings. This mentalization program is done in groups to simulate interpersonal interactions.


What Does Psychodynamic Mental Therapy Focus On?

Psychodynamic therapy focuses on the unconscious psychological processes of your emotions. These are considered the roots of your emotional suffering and may include your wishes and fears.

What Is Mentalization Fonagy?

Peter Fonagy and Anthony Bateman coined the term mentalization to refer to your ability to understand and reflect upon your and others’ mental states. They expanded the idea of the attachment theory and further developed it to result in better emotional regulation.

What Is Reflective Functioning?

Reflective functioning is a term that refers to your capacity to understand your and others’ mental states, which includes your feelings, thoughts, and desires.

What Is Schema Therapy Used For?

Schema therapy is a useful treatment for borderline personality disorder. With the therapist’s help, the individual with this mental health problem will understand their maladaptive schemas.

These refer to the unhelpful patterns that develop from unmet childhood emotional needs.

How Different Is Mentalization From The Theory Of Mind?

The main difference between the theory of mind and mentalization is the mental state it focuses on. The former focuses on epistemic states like beliefs and intentions.

In contrast, mentalization focuses on affective states, which concern emotions and desires. But both concepts help individuals better understand themselves and others.

What Is Mentalization-Based Therapy?

MBT or mentalization-based therapy is a research-based treatment used to help individuals with BPD and other mental health problems. The primary aim of this psychotherapy is to increase mentalization to better understand the self and regulate emotions and thoughts.

This psychotherapy involves improving your mentalization to understand better and identify your and others’ mental states and regulate your own thoughts and emotions better.

The techniques used during mentalization therapy will vary from patient to patient and therapist to therapist.

What Is Epistemic Trust?

Epistemic trust also referred to as ET, is a person’s capacity to trust new information and consider it relevant to integrate into their lives.

This concept is regarded as a key target in treating individuals with borderline personality disorder. It allows them to accept new information about how to improve their mentalization recovery.

What Is The Best Mood Stabilizer For Borderline Personality Disorder?

The drug that has been used for quite a long time is Lithobid or lithium carbonate. This mood stabilizer helps with this mental condition’s basic psychopathological features, including anger and self-harming behavior.

What Triggers A Person With Borderline Personality Disorder?

The two main triggers for a person with borderline personality disorder are relationship and cognitive triggers. People with this psychological condition have issues with abandonment. So they may experience intense fear and anger when they encounter rejection and criticism.

Sometimes, the triggers come from sudden thoughts of traumatic events or loss, but some people are also triggered by memories of happy times.

What Is The Goal Of TeamSTEPPS?

TeamSTEPPS aims to provide optimal patient care by improving the skills of healthcare practitioners. This evidence-based set of tools integrates teamwork behaviors to better communication among healthcare workers, which may vary depending on the setting or situation.


We all tend to think about thinking at times, and often, we are unaware of it. For example, people are likely to use mentalization when they’re in love.

People in love often take time to contemplate their feelings and ask themselves questions like “Is this just an infatuation?” and, “What do I feel when I’m with this person?”

But for people with mental disorders, knowing how to reign in thoughts affect the regulation of life (according to Fonagy, P., et al). People who suffer from emotional distress, depression, personality disorders (i.e., antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder), eating disorders, substance use disorders, and other mental illnesses can reap the benefits of mentalization-based therapy. Mentalization therapy helps with knowing interpersonal functioning and how to take a step back from emotional encounters and thoughts, according to mental health professionals.

Mentalization-based therapy aims to recalibrate thoughts and improve your way of thinking through structured clinical management. Mentalization therapy can help people take control of their thoughts and be more adaptable to life’s stressors, including attachment relationships.

Mentalization-based therapy helps individuals take control of their thoughts and be more adaptable to life’s stressors, including attachment relationships. It is not just for those with interpersonal contexts, attachment style issues, or mental illnesses, but also for those who want to keep their minds healthy.

Evidence-based treatments, such as those used for depressive symptoms, impulse control, adult attachment interview, and self-harm, have been used in randomized controlled trials to reduce emotional responses. According to Bateman A., Fonagy P., et al. Mentalization-based therapy is also supported by developmental psychopathology and diagnostic criteria, as it helps reduce emotional arousal, as well as outcome measures, suicide risk, and mental health practice.

Mentalization can be done in an outpatient setting, with University College London (UCL) and the World Psychiatry journal having empirical support for the effectiveness of this treatment for BPD compared to other illnesses. Those with insecure attachment or disorganized attachment can benefit from outpatient mentalization-based treatment, as it helps increase mentalizing abilities. Mentalization capabilities are also crucial in another form of mental health practice.

Oxford University Press’s Journal of Clinical Psychiatry has also reported that mentalizing abilities can help differentiate BPD patients from other disorders, making mentalization-based therapy an effective treatment for this mental illness.

Whether you are going through a difficult phase in your life, like pregnancy, suffering through BPD, or merely improving yourself, mentalization-based therapy can certainly help you.


1. How Do You Develop Mentalization?

The theory under discussion suggests that challenges in interpersonal relationships and less adaptive attributes can stem from an unsettled attachment style experienced with one’s caregiver. Alongside these attachments, issues are related drawbacks in the capability to comprehend both the emotional states of others as well as oneself.

2. How Does Mentalization Help?

With reference to the concept being discussed: It refers to the capability of reflecting upon one’s own thoughts and emotions. This skill aids in understanding our desires, opinions, and feelings and connecting them with our actions and behaviors. This capacity is a normal aspect of everyday human life and forms the foundation for all interpersonal interactions.

3. How Can Mentalization Be Used To Improve The Therapeutic Relationship?

Interpreting cognitive transference is essentially guiding clients to contemplate their present relationship (with the therapist) by directing their focus toward another individual’s perspective – in this case, the therapist’s mindset. The objective is to help them contrast their own perception with that of the therapist.

4. What Is Mentalization Theory?

The primary focus here is on the theory revolving around interpersonal challenges and counterproductive personality characteristics. These issues are said to stem from an unstable attachment pattern with one’s guardian and the associated shortcomings in comprehending not only others’ but also one’s emotional states. This theory emphasizes the significance of secure bonds between individuals and their caregivers as a foundation for healthy social interactions and personal growth.

5. When Does Mentalization Start?

Around the age of four, children develop the ability to understand that they possess emotions, intentions, and aspirations. They also become aware that others have similar or distinct emotions, intentions, and aspirations.

6. Who Developed Mentalisation?

Recently, renowned researchers, Peter Fonagy and Anthony Bateman, have contributed significantly to the advancement of attachment theory. Their work focuses on our ability to reflect upon and comprehend our emotional states. This concept aids us in gaining insights into our feelings along with understanding their underlying reasons. Through their pioneering efforts in refining attachment theory, Fonagy and Bateman have emphasized the importance of self-awareness in a way that resonates with readers from various backgrounds—all while maintaining an accessible and relatable tone for audiences worldwide.

7. What Is An Example Of Mentalizing?

Let’s consider a scenario that occurs when individuals become cautious and skeptical towards others, even those they have never encountered before. An illustration of this can be seen in sensitive individuals who might feel uneasy on public transportation or walking down the street. They may begin to perceive that others are observing them closely or recognizing them in some manner- perhaps feeling as if these strangers harbor ill will or pose a potential threat.

8. What Is Mentalizing An Overview?

Awareness pertains to the ability to perceive, comprehend, and contemplate one’s inner state (for example, feelings, aspirations, and dispositions) as well as that of others. This awareness plays a crucial role in making sense of each other and ourselves by considering and analyzing subjective experiences and thought processes on both implicit and explicit levels.

9. When was mentalization-based treatment developed?
10. What is the MBT method?
11. What is mentalization in psychoanalysis?
12. How do you practice mentalization?
13. What are the stages of mentalization?
14. What is hyper mentalization?
15. What part of the brain is responsible for mentalizing?